Wehrs Body Shop / Rockland, Wisconsin
Marshall Auto Body has been managing the time, quality, and cost of auto collision repair since 1978!
Body men are the ?ˆ?21 centuries village black smiths.?ˆ?? The work has always been transportation related, diverse, and high variability.? ? We have evolved from the guy who fixed any number of farm implement made tools and improvised things when he wasn?ˆ™t shoeing horses to men and women able to understand everything from mechanics and hydraulics?ˆ™ to computers. We are creative and will always be attracted to hard work and problem solving. ? In 2006 we converted our production operation into a ?ˆ?lean production facility," a single piece flow process based on the Toyota Production System. In 2009, we began to teach this methodology to others in order to continue with our own education as well as to better our industry. Lean involves keeping the product (vehicle) busy, not the people. By completing each step in the process error free, an uninterrupted ?ˆ?flow?ˆ? is maintained.