Kemper Kars / Mukilteo, Washington
Save the future of your vehicle - Keep you car cooler, saving fuel, while looking savvy & sporty!
We tint for 15 dealerships. All our vehicles have lifetime warranties. We want your car to look great, whether it is a brand new vehicle, or it has been around or awhile, like us. We want you to be excited about the new look of your car. If you need dark tint, can we tint dark - yes, we can. Can we tint specialty, such as Quantum, or Marquise - yes we can. We have films that match your rear windows on trucks right on. We can take care of your tint, so, get on down here, we want you to be more than thrilled with your tint. Save the future of your vehicle - Keep you car cooler, saving fuel, while looking savvy & sporty! All vehicles tinted are offered a life-time warranty. We Specialize in window tinting, and of course stand behind our work. We only use top of the line films; SunGard and SolarGard. The manufacturers are Solarmatrix and Bekaert Specialty films. We have won awards, and were picked to be an exclusive Diamond Dealer rep with SunGard for the past ten years. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to give us a call.