Bob Frink Suzuki / Oak Grove, Oregon
"We`ve Got What It Takes!"
Serving the Community Since 1987; Specialties: Farm Equipment; Auto Parts; New Holland Agricultur products: Tractors, Hay Equip.; Forge Equip.; Self Propelled Mower, Conditions HW; Car Quest Auto Parts; Land Pride Products: All Flex Mowers, Box Blades, Core Aerators; Disc Harrow, Fertilizer Spreaders, Grooming Mowers, Landscape Rakes, Overseeders, Post Hole Diggers, Power Rake, Primary Seeder, Rear Blade, Rotary Cutter, Rotary Tiller, Soil Pulverizer, Straw Crimpe, Tree Liminator; Great Plains Products: Grain Drill, Planters; Arctic Cat Products: Sleds, ATVs, Prowlers; New Holland Products; Farm Tractors, Compact Tractors, Implements for Tractors, Load for Tractors, Riding Mowers, Lawn Tractors, Hay Equipment, Crop Products. Hours of Operation: Lakeview M-F 7-6, Sat 8-5/Fall M-F 7-5:30, Sat 8-5; Christmas Valley & Hines M-F 7:30-5:30, Sat 8-5