Norwood Auto Parts / Long Branch, New Jersey
???????ˆ??¬?…?ˆ?Our mission is to provide our clients with superior purchasing power, value and customer service through a more enjoyable online buying experience"
The car industry is and has been strategically designed to confuse the consumer. More often than not the average car buying experience leaves highly educated and informed consumers feeling exploited!? Don`t become another statistic! The Auto Industry purposely has intricate pricing structures: MSRP No Money Down Payment $0 Down Drive Off Bank Fees Acquisition Fees Termination Fees Invoice Price Extreme Interest Rates Extended Warranties GAP Insurance Theft Deterrent Systems Open End Leases Closed End Leases Balloon Payments Plus Many more confusing terms! The lack of quality information upfront from the Dealer limits the bargaining power of the consumer.? We will negotiate the lowest price and the lowest interest rate for each one of our clients! Remember, you buy a car every 3-5 years....we have negotiated everyday for the past 15 years.? That`s just over 5000 days total!? Don`t let yourself get ripped off...Contact us Today!