Cleary`s Transportation Co Inc / Bel Air, Maryland
Check engine light on? Stop in and we can provide a diagnostic service on your vehicle and an estimate.
J&M Truck Repair is an experienced and reputable full service truck repair and fleet maintenance firm. We have a solid reputation and strive to make you a customer for life. We know that down time is costly and our goal is to keep you moving and back on the road. We service and maintain all sized trucks, vans, busses and RVs. Our services include Inspections, Full Fleet Service, Dot Inspections, Electrical work, PM Service, Lube & Oil, Tire Service, Engine and Transmission Service, Brake, Clutch, Air Conditioning and Heating, welding. We offer on-site maintenance and roadside assistance. Our mechanic are experienced and factory trained. No one can match our experience and customer service. Customers Served Residential, Commercial, Industrial