Maraman Audi / Rosiclare, Illinois
Auto service, tire dealer for all makes and vehicles.
Tire repair, check engine light, oil changes, exhaust, balancing, steering, alignment, front and rear suspension, batteries, shocks, mag wheels, brakes and tune-ups. At Car-X Auto Service we warranty repairs on nearly every make of car because our ASE-certified mechanics do the job right. With our extensive auto repair skills, our mechanics can diagnose any problem. Visit our one of our four locally-owned Champaign area auto service centers for repairs on brakes, wheel alignment, oil changes, exhaust and mufflers, engine work, shock absorbers and struts, transmission, air conditioning, in addition to auto manufacturers` required maintenance services. If you live in Champaign, Normal, Tolono, Savoy, Bloomington, Urbana or Monticello, Car-X is convenient with our "No Appointment" Service and four locations.