Pit Stop / West Hartland, Connecticut
Rating: ★
Auto Repair & Service
Address: 38 Russell Rd, West-Hartland
Postal code: 1050
Phone: (413) 667-3645
My Money. My Choice. My Meineke. ?®
We specialize in the following: *Auto Service & Repair * Scheduled Auto *Maintenance Fleet Service *Online Coupons *Customer Service *Car & Truck Repair Financing and Emergency Services Available
car repair
I had a front bearing job done there and in one month it was already needing to be replaced. I sent 2 letters asking for a refund and got no answer. My mechanic showed me the bearing. It was in pieces. I have an email from pit stops mecjanic stating he installed it with a sledge hammer. Ill be going to court this week. They can pay for court cost too!
123snowbird123 / 5/27/2013