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<p><b><u><span style="font-size:18pt;">WARRANTY</span></u></b></p>
<p>All cars and trucks are sold 'AS IS' unless it is specified that a warranty comes with the vehicle. Most vehicles are eligible for extended warranties.<br><!-- sample image in sidebar no wider than 150 --></p>
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<p><b><u><span style="font-size:18pt;">FINANCING</span></u></b></p>
<p>We offer financing for all kinds of credit. We work with multiple banks to get you the best rates around.</p>
<p align="center"><b>We also offer in-house financing.</b></p>
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<td valign="top" width="77%" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">
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<tr class="alt-row" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(226, 226, 226); font-weight: bold;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">Condition:</td>
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(226, 226, 226);" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">USED</td>
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(226, 226, 226); font-weight: bold;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">Mileage:</td>
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(226, 226, 226);" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">141,987</td>
<tr style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top; font-weight: bold;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">Stock No:</td>
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">004177</td>
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top; font-weight: bold;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">Exterior:</td>
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">White</td>
<tr class="alt-row" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(226, 226, 226); font-weight: bold;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">VIN:</td>
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(226, 226, 226);" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">1GBJK34F6RE215921</td>
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(226, 226, 226); font-weight: bold;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">Transmission:</td>
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(226, 226, 226);" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">Automatic</td>
<tr style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top; font-weight: bold;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">Engine:</td>
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">Gas Conversion Diesel</td>
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top; font-weight: bold;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">Interior:</td>
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">Gray</td>
<tr class="alt-row" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(226, 226, 226); font-weight: bold;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">Drivetrain:</td>
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(226, 226, 226);" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">2WD</td>
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(226, 226, 226); font-weight: bold;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">Body:</td>
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 5px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(226, 226, 226);" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">Utility</td>
<td width="23%" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">
<table class="tabbed-info-epa-table" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">
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<tr style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; width: 26px;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">City<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">MPG*</td>
<td rowspan="2" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; width: 60px; text-align: center;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/"><img src="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/InventoryHosting2/Details/images/pgo_gas_tank.png" width="60" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; border: 0px;" lowsrc="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/"></td>
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-align: center; width: 26px;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/">Hwy<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">MPG*</td>
<tr style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">
<td style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-align: right; width: 26px;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/details/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/1GBJK34F6RE215921/"><div style="font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-weight:bold; font-size:22pt; line-height:22px; margin:0px; padding-top:0px; padding-right:10px; padding-bottom:0px; padding-left:0px;"></div></td>
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<form id="acForm" action="http://backwebs.homenetinc.com/InventoryHosting2/Common/panels/AutoCheck/grab_autocheck.asp" target="_blank" method="POST" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">
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<td background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/"><div style="text-align:center;"><img src="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/InventoryHosting2/details/includes/products/WindowSticker/images/makes/chevrolet.gif" alt="Chevrolet" style="border: none;" lowsrc="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/"></div></td>
<td class="dealership_info" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="font-size: 9pt; text-align: left;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/">
<td background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/"><div class="dealership_info_bold" style="font-weight:bold; margin-right:15px;">DEALERSHIP:</div></td>
<td class="dealership_name" style="color: rgb(0, 74, 128); font-weight: bold;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/">JOHNS RT13 AUTO SALES</td>
<td background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/"> </td>
<td class="dealership_label" style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-weight: normal;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/">7505 RT. 13 SOUTH LEVITTOWN, PA 19057 <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=7505+Rt.+13+South,+Levittown,+PA,+19057&ie=UTF8&z=15&om=1&iwloc=addr" target="_blank" class="map_link" style="color: rgb(0, 74, 128); text-decoration: underline;">See a Map</a></td>
<td background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/"> </td>
<td class="dealership_contact_label" style="font-weight: bold;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/">INTERNET MANAGER: <span class="dealership_label" style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-weight: normal;">Brian Sturges (215) 943-0900</span></td>
<div class="vehicle_header" style="position: relative; margin: 0px auto; height: 44px; width: 760px;">
<div class="background_image noprint" style="background-image:url('http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/'); width:760px; position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; z-index:1;">
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1994 CHEVROLET C/K 3500 REG CAB 159.5" WB, 83.7" CA 4WD DRW
<table border="0px" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="0px" style="font-size: 9pt; text-align: left; width: 760px;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/">
<td style="vertical-align: top; width: 380px;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/"><div class="vehicle_image_container" style="text-align:center; margin-top:20px; margin-right:auto; margin-bottom:20px; margin-left:auto;"><img class="vehicle_image" src="https://content.homenetiol.com/1535/2064326/10000x220/1994-Chevrolet-CK-3500/a9d45206fbb24818975d2336d4fd9507.jpg" alt="1994 Chevrolet C/K 3500" style="border: 2px solid rgb(241, 241, 241);" lowsrc="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/"></div></td>
<td background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/"><div class="your_vehicle" style="margin-top:20px; margin-right:auto; margin-bottom:6px; margin-left:auto;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="2px" cellspacing="0px" style="font-size: 9pt; text-align: left;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/">
<td class="your_vehicle_label" colspan="2" style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102);" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/"><div class="vehicle-type-used" data-base-price="2995"><span class="pricing-ourprice-container" style="display: block; overflow: hidden;"><span class="pricing-ourprice-label" style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102); width: 85px; float: left;">Now:</span></span><span class="pricing-thirdprice-container" style="display: block; overflow: hidden;"></span><span class="pricing-msrp-container" style="display: block; overflow: hidden;"></span><span class="pricing-yousave-container" style="display: block; overflow: hidden;"></span><span class="pricing-monthly-payment-container"></span><span class="pricing-rebate-container"></span></div></td>
<td class="your_vehicle_label" style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102);" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/">VIN:</td>
<td class="your_vehicle_data" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/">1GBJK34F6RE215921</td>
<td class="your_vehicle_label" style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102);" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/">EXT:</td>
<td class="your_vehicle_data" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/">WHITE</td>
<td class="your_vehicle_label" style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102);" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/">INT:</td>
<td class="your_vehicle_data" style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/">GRAY</td>
</div><div class="mpg" style="font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; color:rgb(87,87,87); margin-top:0px; margin-right:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-left:auto;">
<table border="0px" cellpadding="3px" cellspacing="0px" style="font-size: 9pt; text-align: left;" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/">
<td background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/"><div class="mpg_text" style="font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; color:rgb(87,87,87); margin-top:10px; margin-right:auto; margin-bottom:-10px; margin-left:auto;">CITY MPG</div><div class="mpg_bold" style="font-weight:bold; font-size:36pt; color:rgb(87,87,87); text-align:center;">N/A</div></td>
<td background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/"><div class="mpg_gas" style="margin-top:0px; margin-right:auto; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:auto;"><div><img src="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/InventoryHosting2/details/includes/products/WindowSticker/images/gas_tank.jpg" alt="EPA" style="border: none;" lowsrc="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/"></div></div></td>
<td background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/"><div class="mpg_text" style="font-weight:bold; font-size:8pt; color:rgb(87,87,87); margin-top:10px; margin-right:auto; margin-bottom:-10px; margin-left:auto;">HWY MPG</div><div class="mpg_bold" style="font-weight:bold; font-size:36pt; color:rgb(87,87,87); text-align:center;">N/A</div></td>
</div><div class="sticker" style="font-family:Arial; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; font-weight:normal; font-size:12px; color:rgb(51,51,51); word-spacing:0px; letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; text-align:center; text-indent:0px; line-height:normal; margin-top:10px; margin-right:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-left:auto; border-width:2px; border-color:rgb(241,241,241); border-style:solid; width:760px; orphans:2; widows:2; white-space: normal; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;"><div class="standard_equipment" style="color:rgb(102,102,102); padding-top:10px; padding-right:20px; padding-bottom:10px; padding-left:20px;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="standard_equipment_table" style="font-size: 9pt; text-align: left; width: 710px; padding: 5px; color: rgb(102, 102, 102);" background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/">
<td background="http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/johnsrt13/"><div class="optcat"><div class="equipment_label" style="font-weight:bold; color:rgb(51,51,51);">Exterior</div>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0px 10px 15px; padding: 0px; list-style-image: url(http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/common/detail/window_sticker/images/dot.jpg);">
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Solid exterior paint</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Solar-Ray tinted glass (all windows)</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Chromed front bumper</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Front wheel opening flares</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Molded grille painted argent</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Single rectangular halogen headlamps</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Roof marker lamps</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Dual black below-eye-line 9" x 6.5" mirrors w/adjustable heads</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Intermittent windshield wiper system</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Cheyenne nameplates</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Insulation on dash panel, cowl top/sides, doors</li>
<br style="clear: both;">
</div><div class="optcat"><div class="equipment_label" style="font-weight:bold; color:rgb(51,51,51);">Interior</div>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0px 10px 15px; padding: 0px; list-style-image: url(http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/common/detail/window_sticker/images/dot.jpg);">
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Cigarette lighter</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Dual coat hooks</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">3-passenger vinyl trim bench seat w/folding backrest</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Scotchgard Fabric Protector on cloth trim/door panels</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Embossed black rubber floor mat</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Color-keyed door sill plate</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Custom urethane 4-spoke steering wheel</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Gauges-inc: speedometer, odometer, trip odometer, voltmeter, fuel level, engine temp, oil pressure, additional telltale lights</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Deluxe heater/defogger w/side window defoggers</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">ETR AM w/fixed mast antenna</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Glove box w/latched door, beverage holder</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Under dash cupholders</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">10" rearview mirror</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Grained-molded plastic door trim panels w/dual integral padded armrests</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Color-keyed cloth headliner w/matching retainer moldings</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Dual color-keyed padded cloth sunshades</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Dome lamp w/dual door jamb switches</li>
<br style="clear: both;">
</div><div class="optcat"><div class="equipment_label" style="font-weight:bold; color:rgb(51,51,51);">Mechanical</div>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0px 10px 15px; padding: 0px; list-style-image: url(http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/common/detail/window_sticker/images/dot.jpg);">
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Pwr front disc/rear drum brakes</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Four wheel drive</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">100 amp alternator</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Independent front suspension w/torsion bars</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Engine oil cooler</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">2 front tow hooks</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Dual rear wheels</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Borg Warner 4401 transfer case</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">600 CCA 12 volt battery</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">10,000# GVWR (4500 front/7500 rear), springs (4500 front/7500 rear), axles (4500 front/8600 rear)</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Combined semi-elliptic 2-stage main/aux rear suspension</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Front 1.18" diameter stabilizer bar</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">(6) LT225/75R16D highway SBR BSW tires</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">(6) 16" x 6" wheels</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Silver painted steel wheels w/black hub ornament</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Integral pwr steering</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Rear-wheel anti-lock brake system (operable in 2WD only)</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">22 gallon fuel tank</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Mechanical jack & wheel wrench</li>
<br style="clear: both;">
</div><div class="optcat"><div class="equipment_label" style="font-weight:bold; color:rgb(51,51,51);">Safety</div>
<ul style="margin: 10px 0px 10px 15px; padding: 0px; list-style-image: url(http://redlineweb.homenetinc.com/common/detail/window_sticker/images/dot.jpg);">
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Energy-absorbing steering column</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Side guard door beams</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Rear-wheel anti-lock brake system (operable in 2WD only)</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Manual lap/shoulder safety belts, outboard seat positions</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Manual lap safety belts, center seat position</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Head restraints, front seat</li>
<li class="option" style="margin-bottom: 6px;">Single electric low-note horn</li>
</div></div><div class="disclaimer" style="font-family:Arial; font-style:normal; font-variant:normal; font-weight:normal; font-size:12px; color:rgb(51,51,51); word-spacing:0px; letter-spacing:normal; text-transform:none; text-align:center; text-indent:0px; line-height:normal; margin-top:10px; margin-right:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-left:auto; border-width:2px; border-color:rgb(241,241,241); border-style:solid; width:760px; orphans:2; widows:2; white-space: normal; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;"><div class="disclaimer_text" style="color:rgb(102,102,102); text-align:justify; padding-top:10px; padding-right:20px; padding-bottom:10px; padding-left:20px;">Certain data and other content displayed herein is copyrighted. All rights reserved. All vehicles are subject to prior sale. While every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of the data displayed, HomeNet Automotive and the Dealer (JohnsRt13AutoSales) are not responsible for any errors or omissions. All information is gathered from sources that are believed to be reliable, but no assurance is given that this information is complete and we cannot assume any responsibility for errors or omissions or warrant the accuracy of this information. * Based on 1994 EPA mileage estimates, reflecting new EPA fuel economy methods beginning with 1994 models. Use for comparison purposes only. Do not compare to models before 2008. Your actual mileage will vary depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle.</div></div>
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<P><FONT color=black><SPAN style="COLOR: red; FONT-SIZE: 14pt">In PA, Doc and
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Chevrolet C/K Pickup 3500 for Sale
Auto Services in Pennsylvania
Auto Repair & Service, New Car Dealers, Automobile Body Repairing & Painting
Address: 91 Longstown Rd, Hellam
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Phone: (609) 386-2600
Used Car Dealers
Address: 2531 W Liberty Ave, Presto
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Phone: (215) 269-1198
Auto Repair & Service, Emissions Inspection Stations, Automobile Inspection Stations & Services
Address: 2400 W Market St, Loganville
Phone: (717) 792-9916
Used Car Dealers, Wholesale Used Car Dealers
Address: 203 N 7th St, Chalk-Hill
Phone: (724) 603-3727
Auto blog
Wed, Jul 26 2023
A new joint venture established by BMW, GM, Honda, Hyundai, Kia, Mercedes-Benz and Stellantis will build a new North American electric vehicle charging network on a scale designed to compete with Tesla's industry-benchmark Supercharger network. The 30,000-plus planned new chargers will accommodate both Tesla's almost-standard North American Charging System (NACS) and existing automakers' Combined Charging System (CCS) options, effectively guaranteeing compatibility with the vast majority of current and upcoming electric models — whether they're from one of the involved automakers or not. "With the generational investments in public charging being implemented on the Federal and State level, the joint venture will leverage public and private funds to accelerate the installation of high-powered charging for customers. The new charging stations will be accessible to all battery-powered electric vehicles from any automaker using Combined Charging System (CCS) or North American Charging Standard (NACS) and are expected to meet or exceed the spirit and requirements of the U.S. National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program." Critically, the automakers involved will have a say in how the charging tech is implemented, guaranteeing that the hardware will play nicely with each automaker's in-house charging systems. Hyundai and Kia, for example, were hesitant to jump on board the Tesla NACS bandwagon earlier this year over concerns that the Supercharger network is insufficient for powering the two automakers' 800-volt charging systems; similar tech is used by Volkswagen and Porsche. In addition to providing much-needed capacity and high-output charging for America's growing fleet of electric cars and trucks, the new network will integrate seamlessly with each automaker's in-app and in-vehicle features, rather than forcing customers to use third-party tools and payment systems, as is the case with some existing public charging infrastructure. "The functions and services of the network will allow for seamless integration with participating automakersÂ’ in-vehicle and in-app experiences, including reservations, intelligent route planning and navigation, payment applications, transparent energy management and more. In addition, the network will leverage Plug & Charge technology to further enhance the customer experience," the announcement said.
Sat, Oct 24 2015
Aston Martin showed off an all-electric Rapide S prototype this week and announced an agreement with investment firm ChinaEquity to explore development of a production version of the sports sedan. The car could arrive in about two years if the project advances, and it would be built in Gaydon, England. The concept car, called the "RapidE" was developed with Williams Advanced Engineering. The electric Rapide is meant to highlight British innovation, and it was revealed during a state visit by Chinese president Xi Jinping to the United Kingdom. Spec were not available for the concept on display. "The car we showed in London is a fully running concept but not yet defining [of] our choice of battery, motor, inverter, etc," spokesman Simon Sproule said. "Now that we have a clearer path for producing the car, we will be defining all the parameters." Aston Martin has been vocal about its electric ambitions this year, and Sproule told us at the New York Auto Show that an all-electric Rapide could cost $200,000 to $250,000 or more. "It's a study, but we're serious about it," he said. Some reports have indicated the electric Rapide could pack as much as 1,000 horsepower. Aston considers electric technology the strongest play for modernizing its powertrains and meeting emissions standards around the world. Hybrids and all-electric models can offer high outputs and strong torque delivery, which is in keeping with the Aston's image as a sportscar maker. Company brass prefer this option over dropping down to four-cylinder engines. And yes, V8s and V12s remain part of the plan. The electric push is part of Aston's future strategy to remake its lineup, which includes refreshing its sportscars, building a production version of the electric all-wheel-drive DBX concept shown at the Geneva Motor Show, and adding a four-door Lagonda. OTHER NEWS & NOTES Domino's serves up purpose-built delivery car Domino's revealed a purpose-built pizza delivery car based on the Chevy Spark. It's called the DXP, for Delivery Expert, and it can handle up to 80 pizzas. The pies stay warm thanks to an oven located behind the driver's seat, and the DXP is sauced up with a puddle-lighting feature that projects the Domino's logo outside of the car. Power comes from the Spark's stock 1.2-liter four-cylinder engine rated at 84 hp that gets up to 39 mpg on the highway. Chevy dealers will be trained to service the DXP.
Mon, Jan 9 2017
Every year the 2017 North American International Auto Show kicks off with the North American Car of the Year Awards. We say "awards" after all those mentions of our home continent because it's not just cars. This year, in fact, the awards spread out to three separate honors: Car, Truck, and Utility. And without further ado, here are the winners. The 2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV is the Car of the Year, the Honda Ridgeline is the Truck of the Year, and the Chrysler Pacifica is the Utility of the Year. Honda's win is perhaps the biggest surprise, upsetting favorite the Ford F Super Duty for the win. The second-generation Ridgeline rides on a unibody platform and is offered in front- or all-wheel-drive, which is unconventional for a pickup. But the layout also offers a cargo bed with an in-floor trunk and solid fuel economy figures of 19 city, 26 highway in its most-efficient form. The Chevy Bolt EV, however, was probably the easiest winner to predict. Its 238-mile range and sub-$30,000 starting price after tax credits make it a breakthrough in the landscape of electric vehicles. With the Chrysler Pacifica available in a plug-in hybrid form, this year's award illustrates the industry's shift towards efficiency and electrification. And with Ford's recent announcement on future EVs, it might not be long will it be until we see a hybrid truck on the award stage as well.Related Video: