1951 Chrysler Windsor Club Coupe
60,000 actual miles
Start a Restoration Adventure with the family! It's a good teaching tool for youngsters.

The Chrysler was bought from its previous owner 35 years ago in Marseilles, Illinois. The car crossed the Continental United States twice. She's sat in storage for most of the time but was always ready for the next adventure. Now we're both tired and need to move on. Though not the prettiest, it's solid and only needs a new owner with time and money to bring her to a new level.
As a bonus, there are extra parts.

During the Korean War, there was rationing on some materials which resulted in a simpler aesthetic and a reliance on proven mechanics including 6-volt positive ground electrical system.  The Spitfire Six had all the power for city driving and the Fluid-Drive avoided some of the irritating shifting in the start-and-stop city driving. 

Florida has not been good to the car.  Once parked, it didn't want to start again, and I have lost the desire to take her on another adventure.  

Check out my blogspot; I didn't write it as carefully as the years passed.
1951 Chrysler Windsor Club Coupe