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Tesla Model S drivers claim first cross-country trip on Supercharger power

Tue, Jan 28 2014 It's not like most Tesla Model S owners are hard-pressed for cash, but it's still got to be nice to know they can get across the country in their all-electric luxury hatchbacks for free. Father-daughter team John and Jill (no last names given) just finished what's being called the first coast-to-coast Model S trip powered completely by the company's Supercharger network. Tesla just completed installing the Superchargers and CEO Elon Musk tweeted just yesterday that the network was energized. The company unveiled its first Supercharger in September 2012, and Musk says he will finally take his long-promised Model S family road trip this spring.

But now someone's beat him to the headlines. The pioneering duo finished its New York-to-Los Angeles trip January 25, logging about 3,600 miles in the process. Additional miles were required since father John started his trip in Kentucky before picking up daughter Jill in New York. Tesla says it has 71 free North American Superchargers and that its network is reachable by about 80 percent of the continent's population. The important number that makes that possible is that the 85-kWh version of the Model S can go 265 miles on a single charge. WIRED says John and Jill hit up 28 Superchargers over the course of a week.

Naturally, fellow Tesla owners who posted on a rather long forum thread describing the trip were enthused, effusively comparing the team to Lewis and Clark. The news could spur more sales to the California-based automaker, which finished last year with a flourish of sorts. Tesla sold about 6,900 units of the Model S in October, November and December, beating the company's own target and making the Model S the country's best-selling plug-in vehicle for the fourth quarter.

By Danny King

See also: Need more cup holders for your Tesla Model S? 3D print some, Elon Musk says Model S demand in China could require new plant there, Court says Tesla will be able to use Te Si La name in China.