1953 Pontiac Custom Catalina 2 Dr. Hardtop--frame Off Restoration! on 2040-cars
Harlan, Iowa, United States
Offering from 1953, a Pontiac Custom Catalina 2 Door Hardtop! The colors look a little "washed out" in my photos but I can assure you that the paint is vivid and the texture is deep and impressive! This is the first Pontiac to have fins!! They look more like little "humps" on the back fenders but still are referred to as fins. Pontiac made in excess of 44,000 cars in 1953 but only around 800 Custom Catalina 2 door hardtops. ( this information--the 44,000 and 800 are wrong--please see the revised figures at the end of my description to see updated and more accurate information ).They are somewhat scarce. This car was born on Feb. 3. 1953 in Pontiac, Michigan. This car has a Dual Range Hydramatic Transmission-----the only reason I mention this is that the Hydramatic Plant was destroyed by fire and they finished the build year using Powerglide Transmissions. I will go into detail about the car later in this description but I will add some other information first. If this car sells, in addition to the car, the new owner will receive the following items: 1953 Pontiac Owners Manual--Pontiac Shop Manual--Hydramatic Tranmission Manual--An 8X10 black and white photo of a similar car in a small town dealership show room surrounded by flowers during the car introduction period--a DVD of 1952-1954 Pontiac Dealership sales techniques--40+ copies of the ETCetera, published by the Early Times Chapter of the Pontiac Oakland Club International, it's an AWESOME Newsletter dedicated to the preservation and restoration of 1926--1954 Pontiacs--a mechanical lead pencil of Chief Pontiac suspended in liquid at the top of the pencil--still works--a tiny statue of Chief Pontiac--a 46 page photo collection picturing parts of the restoration process--a big album of original Pontiac brochures, dealer information and advertisements--an aluminum cast model of the 1953 Pontiac--an original Pontiac leather key fob--the history of this car in the restorer's own words--California Pontiac Restoration Catalog----these folks do a great job of providing excellent service and great products!!!!
This car is located in Harlan, Iowa, 50 miles northeast of Omaha, Nebraska and 10 miles north of Avoca, Iowa. The car is on highway 59, 10 miles off of Interstate 80. I bought the car as soon as the restoration was completed in September of 2007. The car came from New York state and I had it trucked here in an enclosed semi-truck trailer so no road or weather damage would occur. The car has been in inside storage since I have had it and NEVER DRIVEN IN RAIN OR ON ICY OR SNOWY ROADS!!!!! I have driven the car every two weeks unless weather and road conditions were not good. I have parked it on a plastic tarp to keep moisture from coming up from the concrete floor.
The man who restored it ( it's an interesting story, too long to share in it's entirety here ) states that this was a western car, Texas, with no damage or rust holes--it just had some surface rust behind the moldings which the new owner can see in some of the restoration photos. A soldier had the car and he was stationed in Rome, N.Y. The car was bought from the soldier, stored and had been set aside for future restoration but the second owner lost interest and the car was eventually purchased by the man who restored it. We never know of course about accurate mileage on a 60 year old car but it's easier for me to believe since the car has spent most of it's life sitting ALWAYS INSIDE, waiting to be restored!!
If you are like me and would rather talk than type, feel free to Email your telephone number to me and the best time to call you and I would be more than happy to visit as long as you wish about questions you may have about the car. This next point I can't stress enough---I've bought 2 cars on Ebay and it always seems that you never really get the whole story----------I can assure you that I'm going to tell you everything I know about the car so there will be NO SURPRISES if you buy the car--come to pick it up and you say--YOU DIDN'T MENTION THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE VERY DISAPPOINTING PART OF BUYING A CAR SIGHT UNSEEN, IS WHAT SOMETIMES HAPPENS WITH WHAT THE SELLER DOES NOT TELL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will do my very best in my description to see that hopefully that DOES NOT HAPPEN!! Also, please check my 100% Positive Feedback and bid with confidence if interested!! I would be more than happy to pick up a prospective buyer at Omaha's Epply Airport, bring them to see the car and return them to Omaha for the return flight home.
This frame off restoration included the following: Show quality ( the restorers words ) paint ( correct original colors )--base coat and clear coat-- new chrome and polished stainless pieces--heavy duty correct pattern and color vinyl seats ( it would take 5 cowhides to do the seats--cost prohibitive--) new rear inside deck covering--restored front seat kick panels--recovered correct color vinyl trim pads by front and back seat doors-- new correct color carpet--new sill plates--new original equipment lighted Pontiac hood ornament that lights up--new Coker original brand and style Firestone wide white wall bias tires ( I think they drive great and have not even considered radials)--the tires are in great shape having been stored inside and only driven about 2,000 miles--new original equipment emergency brake warning light--complete engine overhaul including new pistons,valves, timing gear and chain-- transmission overhaul--water pump rebuild--distributor rebuild--new brake shoes, wheel cylinders, flexible hoses and master cylinders--N.O.S. muffler and tailpipe--original gas tank cleaned and sealed--frame, washed, sanded, primed and painted--new front and rear shocks-- new belt and hoses-----------------I have done the following since I've owned the car--new correct stainless steel fuel sending gauge with sock on the end--rebuilt starter--rebuilt fuel pump and accelerator pump--new speedometer cable--new radiator core in original radiator--new correct antenna--new battery and battery cables--re- chromed the inside chrome windshield strip--fresh grease job--new correct coolant to -34 degrees--new CASTROL 10W 30, the oil the restorer put in it--fresh steering box lube--all lights interior and exterior work EXCEPT for the glove box light--I installed a new radiator rubber flashing strip--new correct radiator cap, 7 pounds pressure--new high quality made for car California Car cover--new old stock spare tire ( that tire was not in the trunk when the photos were taken but is in the trunk now )--new front and rear floor mats--I just ordered a new cowl to hood rubber seal that will be installed by the time the Auction ends!!
What is wrong with or what needs to be done to the car: radio and clock do not work--radio light goes on but no response--some very minor windshield wiper scrape marks on windshield--the car has the original wiring harness--it works well but that's something the new buyer would want to know--my mechanic says it has a small manifold exhaust leak--the fender skirts have a slightly different shade of paint if you look closely--restorer says they were painted the same paint but on a different day--a small spot on the back window where the sand blaster hit the glass--right side of hood near the cowling passenger side needs to be adjusted to fit tight--two or three person job----small pieces of the correct color engine paint is peeling off of the engine block--heater defroster blower motor is NOT WORKING?? I don't know if it's the switch or what????--two small scratches on the dash--a small scratched area on front bumper--headlight rims, door handles and side windows need to be re- chromed--the new rebuilt fuel pump is making a "pinging noise" at idle----I just called the supplier and they will send a new rebuilt pump to see if the ping stops!!?? We know that the ping is from the fuel pump as the "magic stethoscope" NEVER LIES!! One of my mechanics states the ping in the pump does not hurt anything and disappears with RPM increase. If the car sells, the new owner will have the opportunity to visit with my mechanics at length if they desire??!!
The accessories that came with the car are as follows: ultra rare correct battery cover ( there is a picture of it in my photos ) I don't have it on because I connect and disconnect the battery when I drive and store it. Original correct color traffic light prism-viewer--Original color coded steering wheel WITH NO CRACKS is in place--the original door panels and headliner with stainless bows are in place--I have never tried to clean the headliner because I've been told to leave it alone. The car has the "bumper wings" and guards on both bumpers. The factory windshield washer jar is in place--I've never filled it and I do not know if it works---- but there is a button on the wiper switch that would activate it. The car came with rare factory tinted windows--the windows are in good condition with no cracks but you can tell a little on the edges that they are 60 years old. The trunk light works fine--there is a under hood light that works but I took the bulb out because it would go on when ever the hood was up. The car has the correct fender skirts. The directional signal lights work--not as fast as on the new cars but they work!
Well, there you have it! I'm sure I forgot to mention some things but it's been my philosophy since I started selling on Ebay to be honest to the core when offering an item for sale! Please ask questions and as the week progresses, I'm sure I'll be adding or addressing some things I forgot to mention. Thanks so much for looking and don't hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns. I feel my opening bid with NO RESERVE is very fair for the condition of the car and for all that has been done to this car. My opening bid is less than I paid for the car and I've spent around $2,000.00 on the car since I've had it. The "BIG MONEY THINGS" have been done!! My reason for selling is that I have a 1937 Chrysler Royal Rumble Seat Coupe that needs attention. This Pontiac has served me well--never let me down and is a SUPER CRUISER on the highways and byways! I would not be afraid to take the car anywhere! My longest trip has been about 500 round trip miles with NO PROBLEMS!!
I will be willing to help in any way possible with getting the car to a safe and secure place for loading on a trailer or truck, whatever the new owner would want me to do. I'm retired and have the time and availability. I'm out of touch for finding a possible shipper but I'm sure the new owner would have a good idea on what to do. Thanks so much for looking and please ask questions-----I will be home most of the time during the Auction period and will answer all questions ASAP!! Best Wishes!!!!!!!!!! Lee Nelson......Harlan, IA. CAPTAIN SPITFIRE
I need to add some things that a potential buyer may want to know! I am CAMERA CHALLENGED!!!! My wife bought a new camera for me and I took the photos on this listing with the new camera. All of my previous Ebay photos have been taken with my trusty old FLOPPY DISC camera. I can no longer find discs for that camera. I received a request for more photos----I took the car to the garage with the lift, took FLOPPY DISC photos with a disc I thought might work----came home and tried to load the floppy disc photos and I kept getting the evil DISC ERROR sign! So I could not load the pictures! I had a friend help me load the photos and he does not have time to help me before the Auction ends! YOU NEED TO TRUST ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! Cruise my feedback responses for confidence! I'll address the photo requests with words instead of photos. Please remember that this is a FRAME OFF RESTORATION! If the car sells, the new owner will be able to see this in some of the restoration photos. With the car on the lift, it's very apparent that there is NO RUST UNDER THE CAR-----the restorer undercoated the underside of the body using the "old school" undercoating philosophy--it looks great! The only rust is VERY MINOR surface rust on small parts of the non-undercoated and unpainted gas tank. The bottom of the car looks great with the only sign of dirt that more than likely came from driving through a puddle of lawn watering runoff?? The carpet is new, front and back----if you look at the side photos of the car closely, it's apparent that there is no rust on the rocker panels----if you look at the one photo of the open door that shows the original door material, the other door and back seat panels look just as good----the stainless bows on the headliner look great and there are NO TEARS in the headliner. The only reason I did not clean the headliner is that I did not know what cleaner to use and I "left well enough alone"!!!!!!!!!!! This car has the N.O.S. spare tire installed-----this tire has NEVER BEEN USED and still has the stickers on it! The car comes with the correct bumper jack but if you used it, it would most certainly scratch the bumper. In the photo of the open trunk, you can see a box that has a brand new--unused hydraulic jack in it. This car has NEVER BEEN to a car wash!!!!!!!!! I simply wipe it down with a soft cloth dipped in water only, no detergent!!!! I have had the car professionally waxed once.
Well, that's the latest information I can think of! I'm NOT INTERESTED in trading for anything----I will sell the car if it reaches my opening bid. Please continue to ask questions and I'll do my best to answer them accurately and ASAP------All the Best, Lee Nelson
If you have questions, please feel free to call me before 9:00 PM CDT @ 712-744-3318-------call me and I will hang up and call you back to save you telephone charges. Best Regards and I'll be in touch by telephone if you wish! Lee Nelson
As promised, I mentioned as the Auction progresses, I will add things that I have not talked about as I think of them. When I had the spare tire changed out , I made sure to check the spare tire well as this is a common place for rust to form-----I also pulled up the main trunk bottom pad to check for rust and both places were totally rust free......... Best, Lee
The new cowling to hood rubber strip has just been installed. Please keep the questions coming if you have them! Best Regards,........Lee Nelson......................NEW INFORMATION ON NUMBERS!!!!!!!!!!!! 45 minutes after my listing started last night, I received a phone call from Mr. Charles Coker, the INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL ADVISOR for 1953--1954 Pontiac's since 1985. Mr. Coker asked me in a respectful and kind manner, "where did you get your information on the number's etc. about Pontiac's 1953 production numbers?????" I somewhat sheepishly responded---GOOGLE! He filled me in on more accurate numbers so here they are: They are approximate since the PONTIAC MOTOR DIVISION suffered yet another fire in the 1960's that destroyed many of the EXACT production numbers. According to Mr. Coker, Pontiac had 11 different models in 1953 with a total overall production of 414,011 cars. Part of that breakdown is 468 Panel Sedan Delivery Trucks--20,000--25,000 Convertibles--30,000 Chieftain Deluxe ( the less expensive 2-door hardtop ) and 20,000 top of the 2-door hardtop line, Chieftain Custom Catalina 2-door hardtops. The remainder of course were the "Bread and Butter" for Pontiac, 2 and 4 door Sedans. Hopefully those numbers are close to what he told me and I would like to thank Mr. Coker for this information!!!!!..................................I just remember another item that will go to the new owner if the car sells. As soon as the Gentleman who restored the car finished it, he took it to a car show and received 1st place in the 1950-1959 category! The trophy that he won will go with the car! Until the next question or comment, Best Regards, Lee Nelson |
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General Motors Recall List
Wed, Oct 22 2014It seems General Motors can't go more than a few weeks without issuing a major recall. Since the initial ignition lock recall on February 10, over 25 million vehicles have been recalled for defects. It seems General Motors can't go more than a few weeks without issuing a major recall. Since the initial ignition lock recall on February 10, over 25 million vehicles have been recalled for defects. We used the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recall list to compile a snapshot of all the GM vehicles recalled in the last two months. NHTSA also provides a search engine that allows owners to search for recalls on their vehicle. An automotive company must do everything in their power to notify its customers when a recall is issued on a vehicle. If you own any of the following vehicles and you have questions regarding your car, you can contact Chevrolet at 1-866-694-6546, GMC at 1-866-996-9463, Buick at 1-800-521-7300 and Cadillac at 1-866-982-2339. Or check out General Motor's recall site. Owners may also contact the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Vehicle Safety Hotline at 1-888-327-4236 (TTY 1-800-424-9153) or go to www.safercar.gov. Here's a brief summery of the other vehicles currently under recall: July 26 – 414,333 cars affected NHTSA Campaign Number: 14V447000 Models under recall: Certain model year 2011-2012 Buick LaCrosse, Regal and Chevrolet Camaro, as well as certain 2010-2012 Cadillac SRX, Chevrolet Equinox and GMC Terrain vehicles, equipped with power height adjustable driver and passenger seats. Problem: In the affected vehicles, the bolt that secures the driver's and passenger's power front seat height adjuster may fall out causing the seat to drop suddenly to the lowest vertical position. Consequence: If the driver's seat unexpectedly drops, the distraction and altered seat position may affect the drivers' control of the vehicle, increasing the risk of a crash. Solution: Dealers will replace the height adjuster shoulder bolts, free of charge. July 14 – 16,939 cars affected NHTSA Campaign Number: 14V341000 Models under recall: Certain model year 2011 Cadillac CTS vehicles manufactured October 18, 2010, to June 2, 2011. Problem: In the affected vehicles, vibrations from the drive shaft may cause the vehicle's roll over sensor to command the roof rail air bags to deploy. Consequence: If the roof rail air bags deploy unexpectedly, there is an increased risk of crash and injury to the occupants.
Remember when Pontiac made a Trans Am Kammback grocery getter?
Thu, Nov 8 2018Despite muscle cars having strong reputations as some of the most impractical cars one can buy, they've occasionally had one of the most useful and practical features a car can sport: a hatchback. In the 1980s, General Motors' Chevrolet Camaro and Pontiac Firebird had one, and it added respectable utility to the sports cars. But the people at GM thought they could make the F-Body cars even more useful. So, after a few clay-model experiments, Pontiac built three examples of an extended-roof 1985 Pontiac Trans Am Kammback concept. Spotted by GM Authority, one of these Trans Am Kammbacks (although "shooting brake" seems like the more apt descriptor) is going on the block at the Mecum Kissimmee auction in early January 2019. Reportedly only three of these prototypes/experiments/test mules were built to driveable specs, and this example, VIN No. EX4796, has additional history that might make it the ultimate example. According to Mecum, the show car, which has made appearances at numerous auto shows, also spent some time at the race track — just not as a participant. It was used as a pace car for PPG and IMSA racing and temporarily had a light bar and "two-way communications equipment." Following its pace duty, and after GM stopped the project from going any further, it was put into Pontiac Engineering's private collection for 13 years. Famous Michigan car collector and Pontiac dealership owner John McMullen then bought the car. He eventually sent it to Pontiac specialist Scott Tiemann for a full restoration to the gorgeous condition it is in today. As seen in the photos, the Trans Am features white paint over a gray leather interior. It houses a 5.0-liter V8 under the hood and has a five-speed manual transmission. The wild concept is rare enough to be super cool, but we can't help but think of an infinitely more practical, more modern, more powerful, and arguably more interesting car we'd rather have. Manual Cadillac CTS-V Sport Wagon in Black Diamond anybody? Or, if you don't care about the extra doors, perhaps the Callaway's Corvette AeroWagen is more applicable. Either way, we're in full support of any shooting brakes we can find. Related Video: This content is hosted by a third party. To view it, please update your privacy preferences. Manage Settings.
Junkyard Gem: 1980 Pontiac Grand Prix LJ
Sat, Mar 4 2023A couple of years before John DeLorean and his team at the Pontiac Division created the GTO by pasting a big engine and some gingerbread on the LeMans, they created a rakish, powerful coupe based on the staid full-size Catalina. This was the 1962 Pontiac Grand Prix, which sold like crazy and escalated the personal luxury coupe war already brewing in Detroit. Starting with the 1969 model year, the Grand Prix switched to a smaller chassis (shared the following year with the new Chevrolet Monte Carlo), and all subsequent rear-wheel-drive Grand Prix (that is, through 1987) remained siblings of the Monte. Today's Junkyard Gem is a rare 1980 Grand Prix LJ, found in a self-service yard near Reno, Nevada. Sure, a fresh round of Middle East conflict had put a kink in America's fuel hose in 1979, leading to gas lines and a general sense of malaise, but at least the new Grand Prix looked extra sharp for 1980. The LJ package came with all sorts of appearance and comfort goodies, including these "luxury seats with loose-pillow design in New Florentine Cloth." A Pontiac Phoenix LJ was available as well. These seats must have been very comfortable when new. Who needed a Cadillac when Pontiac would sell you this car at a base MSRP of just $7,000 (about $26,704 in 2023 dollars)? That price was what you paid if you were willing to get the base 3.8-liter Buick V6, though. To get a V8 engine with four-barrel carburetor, you had to pay extra. If you did pay the extra for a V8, which one you got depended on which state you lived in; in California, you got this 305-cubic-inch (5.0-liter Chevrolet small-block), and in the other 49 states you got a 301-cubic-inch (4.9-liter) Pontiac. The 305 was rated at 150 horsepower with 230 pound-feet; the 301 made 140hp and 240 lb-ft. This car was originally bought in California (the state line is about ten miles away from its final parking spot), so it has the Chevy engine. The V8 added $195 (plus $250 for the California-only emissions system) to the out-the-door price of the car, or about $1,316 in 2023 dollars. Outside of California, a 4.3-liter Chevy V6 was available for just 80 additional bucks ($305 now). All 1980 Grand Prix got a three-speed automatic transmission as standard equipment, with no manual available from the factory. This car has the optional air conditioning, which cost $601 ($2,293 after inflation). This is the "Custom Sport" steering wheel, which was standard on the LJ. The tilt option cost $81 ($309 today).